Thursday 9 September 2010

Shop Around! Our Intern Experiences the Other Side of Shopping At Home

In a super chic, neighboring building, I spoke with Johannes from Germany, our intern at Bach Berg. He’s in his first week as an intern and loving it!

What’s the company’s main focus?

Johannes: They make commercials for tele-shopping in Japan.

What do you do?

Johannes: At the moment, it’s not quite decided. Today, I’m in the studio where they cut the movies, add the subtitles, the effects and so on. Yesterday, I was with sound editing, with music and sound effects.

Is there a special technique?

Johannes: You have your programs, for example Avid Media Composer, and I used Final Cut Pro in university. They use both here, and it is quite complicated, and right now I am the observer. It is very interesting.

What do you plan to do with this experience in your future?

Johannes: For my studies at university, it is good to have this practical insight that you don’t often get when you study the theory. In my university we did small things, like cut a movie or make a radio show, but it’s very small compared to here.

Any suggestions to people who wish to intern in Japan?

Johannes: Yeah, just do it. It’s fun. In the case here, you think you will need all this business Japanese and very complicated stuff, but I think you just have to go and do it. It turns out this company is very casual.

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