Monday 13 September 2010

This Intern is Cooking Up a Storm!

In the renowned IMS building, surrounded by ever busy Tenjin, I spoke with Anne Chen of Los Angeles, California at the swanky Hakata Ono Chinese Cuisine and Grill. She just finished the last of her four weeks as an intern. She had a wonderful time with wonderful people!

What’s the company’s main focus?

Anne: It's a restaurant and they focus on hospitality. It's a really cool atmosphere, very busy and everyone is really awesome.

What do you do?

Anne: At first, I was just washing dishes, and I was unhappy with it. I talked to the pastry chef and he was very receptive. After that, I helped with the pastries, preparing vegetables and such, and still some dishes.

Is there a special technique?

I learned it's best to follow their instructions very carefully.

What do you plan to do with this experience in your future?

I would like to apply for managerial positions in restaurants back home, but the main goal is to have my own restaurant one day.

Asahi: Any suggestions to people who wish to intern in Japan?
It's good to learn and understand the company culture by example, "when in Rome" you know. I was very nervous at first but everyone was great!

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