Wednesday 20 July 2011

Yamakasa Festival!!

Fukuoka is a big place so sometimes there are big things happening. The Yamakasa festival is one of these things. It is one of the most exciting and important events of the year and people from all over Japan come to watch. Several beautiful Kazariyamas(decorative portable shrines and floats) are built and displayed in several parts of the city for two weeks. But the highlight of the festival is on exactly 4:59 am on July the 15th when thousands of men from seven districts of Fukuoka race through the streets whilst carrying a smaller but just as heavy float

Together with our students we went to the festival at 4:59 (early!!) to watch this spectacle. Even though some people were a bit tired everyone was exited by the unique atmosphere. The sidewalk was filled with people from all ages and every time a float would race by the whole crowd cheered and encouraged the people participating. The men carrying the shrine were splashed with water, while running with the shrine to keep them cool. Young men, old men but also children all helped together to help race this huge shrine through the streets of Hakata. It was really interesting and sometimes even a bit intimidating! Watching a group of 200 plus people in a traditional outfit from a distance is fine but when a group like that is running towards you you really feel the excitement.

Needless to say we had a lot of fun and we hope you will be joining us when we have our next event or perhaps next year at the Yamakasa Festival!!

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