Friday 24 September 2010

Christmas Party December 17th 2010 (Friday)

Let´s have fun at the Asahi Nihongo Christmas party! We´ll sing X- mas songs, talk about the Christmas celebration in each person´s country, watch a salsa performance and try making delicious German Christmas cookies! You´ll have the chance to learn how to bake this traditional Christmas- food in the German Cookies Course, before the Party starts. Please join us and enjoy the wonderful pre- Christmas period together!

German Cookies Course
Date: December 17th 2010 (Friday)
Time: 13: 00 – 16: 30
Place: Airebu (Tenjin)
Price: 1, 500 Yen
Contact person: Alex, Shoko or Sandra

Christmas Party
Date: December 17th 2010 (Friday)
Time: 18:00 – 20: 00
Place: Asahi Nihongo School (3rd F.)
Price: 1, 000 Yen (all soft- drinks and food are included, alcohol is not allowed)

Schedule of the Christmas Party
18:00 Greetings
18:10 Christmas Karaoke
19:00 Salsa Performance
19:00 Santa Claus´s Visit
20:00 Photo & End


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