Friday 24 September 2010

Want to Lend a Helping Hand in Japan? This Intern Is!

In a small Hakata office, I spoke with Verena from Reutlingen, Germany, an intern with a NGO that wishes to make Japan and the world a better place for everyone. It’s her last week as an intern and she had a unique and heartwarming four week experience!

Asahi: What’s the company’s main focus?

Verena: It’s a non-profit organization that engages, on the one hand, environmental questions, and on the other, societal questions. They have projects dedicated to integrating handicapped people into mainstream society, as well as projects to encourage people to remain in rural areas to maintain Japan’s farming culture.

Asahi: What do you do?

Verena: I try to help. I help plan events, for example, we went out into the countryside to plant potatoes. It was a unique chance to see the beautiful countryside.

Asahi: Is there a special technique?

Verena: After the events, I have to write a report on their website in English about it, and try to promote new events.

Asahi: What do you plan to do with this experience in your future?

Verena: In Germany, I finished my academic degree last year and I want to go into marketing or advertising in the future. I think this internship experience is good to move toward that goal.

Asahi: Any suggestions to people who wish to intern in Japan?

Verena: I think everyone will be surprised about spoken Japanese, cause I took a course in Germany and I was quite good. The spoken language is very different from the language in textbooks. It is much better to study in person and watch movies to pick up the spoken language.

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