Tuesday 7 September 2010

Yakiniku on Friday

Let´s go for Yakiniku on Friday. Together with staff from Asahi Nihongo we`ll go to Fujiya, a special restaurant in Daimyo, where you can try Yakiniku, grilled meat. Experience the cosy atmosphere, talk with other students and enjoy the tabenomihodai for 90 minutes. Have fun^o^

Date: September 10th (Fri)
Time: 18:30 at Asahi Nihongo School
Place: Fujiya in Daimyo
Fee: Tabenomihodai (all you can eat and drink) 90 minutes
women: 1999 Yen
men: 2499 Yen

1 comment:

  1. Yakiniku is another popular Japanese way of preparing bite sized meat and veggies on griddles. It is actually a Korean-style barbecue, thus more widely known. With Yakiniku, translating to "fried meat," small pieces of meat (not as thin as Shabu-Shabu), mainly beef and pork, together with raw vegetables are cooked on a grill platter throughout the period of meal, few pieces at a time.
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