Tuesday 7 September 2010


We had a great news today which is that Lorenz-san passed N-3 test. N is from "Nihongo" and "New". There used to be JLPL(Japanese Language Proficiency Test) but the test changed to N test from this year.
He's been here at Asahi Nihongo since last October. He studied Japanese and did an internship.

-Did you feel that the test was difficult?
●Yes! The test consists of 3 parts such as Grammar, Listening and Vocabulary. I felt Vocabulary part was difficult, though I did well at listening part and I got 57points out of 60.
(Wow! It's great score, isn't it?)

-How did you feel when you opened the sealed result card and checking it?
●Of course I was nervous when I opened it.

-Are you planning to take N-2 test?
●Not next time, but I'll study for N-2 and take test in future.

Thank you, Lorenz-san for answering the interview.
We all teachers and staff are very glad that you passed the test and let us say again "CONGRATULATIONS!"

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