Today, I sat down with Philip Schwerdfeger at Kyushu Gaigo College. Philip has had a unique and fast paced course in Japanese living, home, and business culture. Philip, a recent high school graduate from Berlin, Germany, had a one week course in Germany and a three month course here at Asahi Nihongo. He passed his Japanese interview with flying colors, landing his current one month internship.

Asahi: What is the company’s main focus?
Philip: Well, it’s a college, but not a normal college. They make the employees of tomorrow with specific English courses. The people that finish these courses can continue to careers as an English teacher, commodities trader, etc.
Asahi: What tasks do you do?
Philip: I have mainly two tasks. I join in with classes for English which shows the other side of teaching. The other task is in the office making spreadsheets with many new kanji.
Asahi: Is there a special technique?
Philip: I only need to make my boss laugh and then everything’s OK. As long as my boss is not mad at me, then everything’s OK. That is my special technique.

Asahi: What are your future plans?
Philip: It’s a nice experience to be here, because in Germany I had a one week course. Then, I came here and studied, and that was a whole different Japanese. Now, I am outside the school in an office, and it is another experience in the language. It is totally crazy and different. It really helps you figure out if Japanese is for you in your future.
Asahi: Any suggestions to people who wish to intern in Japan?
Philip: They should just do it and try it out. Even though I’m a bit lazy about speaking Japanese, cause they speak English here. But through our communication, I still get an understanding of daily life in a Japanese company. So just do it. And everyone should try to get the internship here at Kyushu Gaigo College!
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