As these are private lessons, you are free to choose the contents on your own. If you use the same textbook as Asahi Nihongo, we will work with your book. Otherwise, we will send you learning materials as PDF documents.
One lesson takes 45 minutes and costs 2,000 Yen. The minimum number of lessons is 10. If you live in Japan, please transfer the money to our bank account in Japan. If you live outside Japan, please pay the fee via PayPal.
1. Make an appointment by telephone or e-mail for a personal consultation. We will meet you directly at our office or via Skype.
2. During the consultation, we agree on learning goals, materials and the schedule.
3. After that, we will send you a timetable with dates, times and teachers.
4. About 20 minutes before the lesson, we send you the learning material via e-mail.
5. Log on to Skype a couple of minutes before the start of the lesson. Asahi Nihongo’s Skype account is: skype_lessons_asahi
The teacher contacts you when the lesson begins.
* Should you be unfamiliar with Skype, we will gladly help you to install it.
Any questions? Feel free to contact us!
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