Saturday, 20 November 2010

Anne Berthy at Ritter School

Hello my name is Anne Berthy and I'm a German teacher at Asahi Nihongo's sister school Ritter. Last year I came here as a student to improve my language skills at the Asahi Nihongo School and also for an internship. I was happy about the possibility to choose my favorite field "NPO" (Non profit Organization) . So I spent 3 months in Fukuoka and it was a good experience to work for a Japanese environmental organization. It's not only for improving your Japanese but also to learn how to interact with your co workers in a Japanese way. During that time Asahi Nihongo took good of care of me. They supported me in my first job interview and found a nice host family. It was a good feeling to have them as a kind of back up.
I was amazed by the friendly atmosphere here in Fukuoka and decided to come back as a German teacher at the sister school Ritter. If you're interested in Japan or in doing an internship, come to Asahi Nihongo School in Fukuoka. I promise, You WON'T regret it^o^

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