Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Let’s go to the Setsubun Festival

Experience Japanese culture, join our Setsubun activity. Spring Setsubun is the Japanese equivalent holiday of New Years Eve. It's a special ritual to cleanse away all the evil of the former year and drive away the evil spirits that bring diseases and bad luck. At Setsubun, you throw roasted soybeans inside and outside the house shouting "Oni wa soto, fuku wa uchi!" A festival takes place at the beautiful Tochoji Temple in the Hakata area. The Tochoji Temple is famous for its Fukuoka Daibutsu (Great Buddha statue). The statue is 10.8 meters in height and 30 tons in weight. This is the largest statue of a seated Buddha amongst the ones in Japan. Beside the statue is a treasure exhibition hall. Come enjoy the Setsubun festival!!!

Do you want to participate in our event? Please make your reservations at the Japanese and Internship School Asahi Nihongo!

Date................: Thursday, 03 February 13:00-17:00
Place………….: Tochoji Temple, 2-4, Gokusho-machi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka
Fee……………: 1500 Yen per person
Participants…: max. 7 participants

13:00 Gather at Asahi Nihongo School
13:30 Setsubun Festival at Tochoji Temple
16:30 Departure
17:00 Arrival at Asahi Nihongo School

Official Homepage: http://www.japanese-school-asahi.com/
Photos : http://bit.ly/9gFlbp
Google map: http://bit.ly/b1XZr6
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Setsubun

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