Tuesday, 16 November 2010

UTAS Day Off in Japan

The UTAS students have had a busy entry into their Japanese life after their 36 hour flight and they have faced many challenges with tons of genkiness!

At Sunday's Culture Camp, they did a great job at the Kinma race, held in Joyo-cho, with only a short meeting after orientation on Friday. They prepared their very creative and impressive costumes with items from the local shopping district. And with no other preparation, UTAS Rainbow Division participated in the race Sunday morning and did their best against some strong competition!

They visited a traditional Japanese house, Kawaguchi-tei, where they made delicious curry and rice! They were treated to breakfast (and onigiri for lunch) by three local housewives. They made paper helicopters, with ecologically friendly starch paper. The helicopters were released from a high stone bridge and flew down to the forest or far away carried by the wind. When it rains, they will melt away faster than the time spent making them. After which, UTAS students showed their amazing cooking skills again when they made soba-uchi. And they learned the magnificent art of making and pouring osencha properly.

On top of a mountain, UTAS students reflected on world peace at the Hoshino-mura Peace Monument. At this monument fire from Hiroshima, brought there by Yamamoto Tatsuo-san, has been burning since a few days after the atomic bomb was dropped in Hiroshima.

It was an epic weekend and with many experiences for the UTAS students. I hope they get some rest, because there is so much more to do!

Photo Album Japanese Culture Camp in Yame

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